Friday, September 9, 2011

a few things....

Remember when I said I wouldn't wait too long between posts..... well I totally lied. At the time of that magnanimous statement, I forgot one critical variable: school work. The main difference between moving into an apartment and school work? When you're done school work, you have NO desire to sit in front of a computer screen and start typing away. Even when I do my work early, even when I start it days ahead, it only seems to get done JUST on time. I even have to study just to be able to study, what's up with THAT.
Anyway, I'm not here to make excuses, but rather, to finally throw something onto this blog to make myself feel better. No pictures, short and sweet, in and out. What to put in the shortest post ever? The highlights of course. What have been the highlights since my last post the day before school?
1. I have friends (celebrate)
2. People here love socks and sandals (so do I btw, but people here REALLY love it)
3. oh yah... THE BOYZ CAME!!!!!

So, here's how it happened. That fateful Tuesday morning I left the apartment and I decided to take the umbrella with me; I was all adult like and checked the weather that morning. I was prepared. On my way home, 23 seconds before stepping off the bus, it started to pour. People in the bus started nervously glancing around like it was time to pick partners for umbrella sharing. Naturally, I puffed my chest out; I was prepared. About 7.5 seconds before stepping off the bus, it REALLY started to rain. Like, not just heavy rain, but I-need-a-rubberized-jumpsuit-to-get-home-dry rain. I got a little nervous. I mean, I was wearing my new shoes. So who steps out of the bus next to me? Captain Unprepared hugging his school bag cause his laptop had no chance of getting home unless he used himself as a human shield. Yah, I helped him; we shared the umbrella (which really means, his bag stayed dry while the both of us bathed and walked). AND I walked him home which was an adventure I'd rather not talk about at the moment. Suffice to say I reached the apartment a little uplifted, a little soaked, and a little panicky (the shoes!).

I proceeded with my post class ritual of snack (Kraft Dinner), entertainment (Modern Family), and procrastination (more Modern Family). Just as I was entering my stage 2 procrastination ("organizing" and printing notes), I was presented with a violent knock at the door. I could honestly say I was confused..... no one comes to see me. With my mind still whirling, I opened the door to an assault of



bahahhaha these clowns flew from Montreal and surprised me at the door! ARE YOU KIDDING ME. Let's just say I didn't get any work done and thank goodness it was labor day weekend. Whether it was shisha under blacklight, talking about catching grouper at a local bar, or line dancing at a western club, we did it all Gainesville style. A few comments regarding wisdom I gained during this time:
1. I need to acquire cowboy boots and a cowboy hat
2. My Montreal peoples have to move to Gainesville
3. The number one quality of an eligible bachelor in Gainesville is the ability to catch and kill a fish with your bare hands
4. When you ride around campus in a convertible Camaro blasting Sean Paul, people stare
5. Crosswalks matter, and the police care that they matter... and they don't care who's driving, even if you're Christopher Roberston

Obviously my knowledge has expanded beyond these points, but these are definitely the most important ones. I need to cut this post short mostly because I said I wanted to keep it that way, but also cause this Mac keeps notifying me I need to shut down firefox to enable and update. Ahhhh, how she always looks out for me.
Until next time (with a longer post and pictures), I bid you farewell.

-Montreal Gator

Ps. Took my baby out for the first time today, bought her a Neoprene sleeve and everything. She's growing up so fast.....

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