Thursday, September 29, 2011

A little bit of "look at me now"

It's amazing what monotony does to the mind. One second you're skipping off to start your routine for the day (and by "routine" I mean those quirky schedule-like things you did for the first time last week) and the next second it's week 6 of the semester, you're downing a steady diet of Ramen Noodles, and you're the proud wearer of a playoff beard that would be worthy of Eric Cole himself. The beard part refers exclusively to male readers, of course, but you get the point. I won't say I've suffered such a moment, but the last 5 weeks have FLOWN by, and I haven't done much else but truck to the library, then truck it to class, then shuffle back home.
Then all of a sudden, events started to happen. Not Minority Report stuff like "THE UNIVERSITY IS CONVERTING EVERYTHING TO TOUCH SCREENS" or anything epic like that, just a bunch of random and not so random things proximal enough to make one stop and say "hmmm, cool."

Saturday I was blessed with my first dance workshop of the year (note: there isn't enough of that in Gainesville). Needless to say I'm still in pain, but that's the beauty of it right?

Monday night I was blessed with the enigma that is Tiesto (see facebook for relevant media).

On three separate occasions three days in a row I have by chance arrived at my bus stop at the EXACT moment the bus arrived.

Publix, the grocery store I frequent (and the establishment that will be furnishing me with potentially thousands of dollars in savings coupons (if I haven't been the target of fraud)) sells THREE types of Alexander Keith's AND Moosehead.
BLAAMO, bitches.

Columbian food arrived with a magical fairy from Miami as well as the biggest avocado you've ever seen (from which I concocted some devastatingly delicious guacamole).

I obtained 10th row tickets to Gators v. Alabama this weekend (the most epic match of the season so far seeing as Alabama is ranked third in the country and victory here would put us back into the conversation for National League Champions).

And my best friend of over 21 years got engaged this past weekend and officially knighted me as best mate for the big day. I don't think I could be more honored and I can't wait for all the activities that go along with weddings and engagement parties and all that flowery stuff.

So what does all this mean? It means that school is not associated with fun. Sure things at school and things related to school are tons of fun, but no matter how much you enjoy it, no matter how passionate you are, there's nothing that can bring your head back above water like something distinctly NON-SCHOOL.
Sure I'm a tad behind in my work, sure I manage to sometimes get chocolate on the lower back part of my shirt incidentally making it look like a poo stain (wait, that has nothing to do with what I'm trying to say.... backspace, I need backspace..... BACKSPACE)....... sure I'm not as comfortable with the proximity of my deadlines, but who the hell cares; if dancing, music, and sports put me under a bit of pressure, bring it on. In fact, bring it on twice. Bring it on so many times that if I had the choice to rewind and do it again, I would do it again.

And if all that fails, get one of your friends to propose and enjoy the subsequent celebrations. I love contingency plans.

I won't lie, I'm in class, so posting pictures and making this post look handsome is impossible as I can barely chew gum and do quantum physics at the same time.
Until next time, faithful readers
I bid ya'll adieu,

-Mtl Gator

PS. I apologize if I offended any women with healthy beards or readers with poo stains on the lower back parts of their shirt.

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