Sunday, November 27, 2011

Things that really grind my gears....

          It's been a long time coming but I believe I have enough ammunition now to be allowed to whine about things that just aren't right. This is not opinion, but fact. I'm not so arrogant as to think my opinion is gold-encrusted and worthy of the moniker "fact", but rather, these things I'm about to kick and scream about are so one-sided I challenge you to find a valid counter argument. If you can, I'll shut this blog down and move every 6 months, forever wallowing in the fact that my distorted view of what is right and wrong in no way aligned with the people I called peers. Readers that do in fact subscribe to the notion that my written words are The Written Word..... you're sick, get out. I don't want to be your prophet.

          I almost called this one "Starbucks" for the simple reason that I get pissed off on about 90% of my visits there. Keep in mind I live in a college town, I study at the same library every day, and they %^&*ing put one AT THE FRONT FUCKING DOOR. (Sorry, I lose the ability to censor myself when I get like, really mad.) It goes without saying I visit Starbucks a lot. It got so bad, one week they gave me a t-shirt that said "Starbucks Stud" and they said I'd get 20% off every time I bought something while wearing it. 
(That didn't happen. Nobody actually cares.)
But seriously, did Mr. Starbucks knock up an administrator to get exclusive rights to my bank account? Double-yew tee eff, mate.

         Whatever, I've come to accept I'm a slave to the machine; that's not what I'm mad at. It's really more the people. No, it's the behavior of the people. (For all you hair-split-haters out there, I'm gonna go ahead and split this hair: there's a difference. And the simple difference is I don't want to punch a vanilla latte through the cashier's head when they don't behave this way.) 

          By now you're dying to know what behavior so pisses me off. Let me ask you this: when you pay at a cash, how is your change handed back to you? Is it coins then bills? Bills then coins? Receiptbillscoins? Receipt to the left hand, bills to the right, coins volleyball-spiked into your breast pocket? Simmer on this while I recount my tale.

          For the first week I spent in Gainesville, I encountered only a couple iterations. I was amazed that I was consistently handed back my change in only one of two ways. And both maddening. The first begins with them placing the coins ON the horizontal bill(s), forming an origami-esque money-ship with little metal sailors and sailing that bitch all the way into your hand totally oblivious to how many fine metal men get lost during the voyage. Seriously, every time this happens, time slows down. The cashier and I make eye contact. I see the innocent furrow of their brow. I notice the quiver of their lip as if to say, "oh my God, I don't know if I'll make it." And the little money boat makes its way through the air. Their hand shakes, quivers, sailors getting tossed to and fro. Sometimes, if they're really dumb, they haven't formed the Origami Money Ship, but left it flat, to resemble a Cash Raft, even more precarious for our seaman. Halfway through the journey they quietly realize, "Damn! Should have opted for the the Origami Money Ship. Whatever, can't do anything about it now. Gotta MacGyver this shit," at which point they squeeze their hand, folding the bills into a "V", reverse-engineering a Currency Canoe! Fuck, even I start to sweat. I don't know if all my sailors are going to make it. 75% of the distance covered, only a quarter journey to go! At this point I realize the risk is too great. By the time they reach 90%, I usually decide to go Hitch on their asses and cover the remaining 10%. I reach out and before any of my sailors go overboard, I extend my hand, fingers stretched to dock the ship/canoe/raft. In desperate times, I whip my other hand around as an insurance policy and form a little bowl where our enlightened cashier can just dump this shipwreck and get it over with. 

Gimme a minute. I'm sweating a little. I'm also marveling at the fact "gimme" and "gonna" don't have little red squigglies under them. Fuck everything.
          If that wasn't harrowing enough and you don't need to change your underwear, read on. The second one is similar but worse, believe it or not. In this version the cashier keeps the coins in one hand and the bills in the other. Unsure, I extend my hand first at which point their coin-hand starts to move. I'm thinking, "ok, this is good." The coin hand comes at me, fingers down, pinched together like The Claw from Toy Story, grasping my coinage like a bunch of wrecked, computer-animated Pixar cars. As it approaches, I start to open my hand, palm up, to receive the goods. But before said coinage touches down, out of butt-fucking nowhere, BOOM LIKE BABYLON comes their other hand with the bills. Right before the coins land, the other hand slips the bills into my palm and almost instantaneously the coins hit right after. Yep, you guessed it, I've got a goddamn Cash Raft on my hands. Not only that, but none of the distance has been covered, remember? I extended MY hand. We still have to journey home! The cashier has this relieved look like, "whew, at least I don't have to deal with this shit anymore," and now sits back to see what I was about to do. But I'm no bitch. I know my only hope is the Origami Money Ship. I suitably clench, forming said ship. My experience prevails and I can usually get my sailors to shore safely.

          So what's the lesson from this harrowing tale? Simple: LEARN HOW TO GIVE GODDAMN CHANGE BACK YOU MORONS. It's so simple it hurts my medulla. You have two hands, and you have two types of change, bills and coins. No coincidence. Grasp bills with one hand, coins with the other. It's not string theory. Reach coin-hand out first, depositing payload in upturned palm of customer. Reach with other hand and hold bills just high enough above customer's hand so customer can grasp bill(s) with fingerTIPS. Release payload. Retract in satisfaction knowing today, you're not an idiot.
Worthy of an Apple product launch.
And on to the next one.

-Mtl Gator

(Oh, disclaimer: this whole post only applies if your change is in fact bills AND coins. If it isn't, ever, you're a freak and your concern at this moment shouldn't be this blog but why you're so goddamn neurotic.)

(Sorry, second disclaimer: I may have given the impression with the words "enough ammunition" that other things piss me off. Do not fear, they do. I just want to keep this short and sweet. Not sure the masses can handle more idiocy. We'll talk more later.)

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